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Don McLaren Jr. Owner/Operator

 Don McLaren has worked in the industry for over 20 years. Most of that experience is in our local areas we currently service. His experience and continued learning of new innovated programs help keep McLaren Pest Control a strong provider. Don still works in the field because he truly enjoys his trade and our customers. As a family man, friend, community member and business man, he puts everything he has into all aspects of his life.

 Don decided to stop working for large cooperate companies because he felt he can offer more to customers as a small business owner. Feeling free to make more decisions to give the customer more for their money, allowing his expertise and work ethic the opportunity to be put back into his community.

The company moto " A Service That Cares" was easy to come by and effortless to apply. He truly does care about our customers, vendors and community.

 In his free time he loves to relax with his family, his dogs, travel and sports. He looks forward to every sport season and is a big fan of all his teams. As a young man he played baseball from little league to high school, but work was his biggest priority as a young man. He started his career in pest control after working in a few different trades, he said he just really liked the trade and stood with it. To this day he still works in the field, he said he will always work in the field to stay connected with his customers as long as he can.

Mike Alfiche has been with McLaren Pest Control since 2019 but has been  in the industry for over 20 years. Mike is a proud Army Veteran who has served our country in war and community for many years. He loves his family, friends and has made some great connections with our customers as well. Mike has been a strong addition to McLaren Pest Control and continues to work hard to service his community. You will see him always happy and willing to strike up conversation. The first thing we noticed about Mike was his friendly smile and always looking professional.

Liana Martinez

Office Manager/ Co-Owner

Liana is new to the pest control industry,  it was not until the day that her husband Don decided to make his dream of owning his own pest control company come true that she decided to start her research and study not only the pest control industry but also the pest control business and all it entails as a business owner. The opening day of March 9, 2017 is when she made her official mark in the pest control world as co-owner of McLaren Pest Control.

She has worked and still works in EMS as an EMT in the 911 system for Alameda County for over 17 years. One of the counties we service. Liana has been used to long hours and stressful situations so adding a small business in a industry she knew very little about was nothing more of a  new of an adventure to take on. She is a mother of 3, the wife of owner Don McLaren and fur mom to 2 dogs and 2 cats.  She continues to work in the office for our company and in EMS with no plans on leaving either careers anytime soon, as she says; she loves talking with her customers, patients, coworkers and employees.

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